Where to buy and see art in Worms

Buja alias René Burjack

Werk von Buja alias René Burjack in der Galerie Schauraum

Kunsthandlung Steuer

For almost 100 years, the family-run Kunsthandlung Steuer in Worms has been a reliable contact when it comes to art. Anyone who enters the small shop in the pedestrian zone imagines themselves in another world. Around 600 to 700 works of art are waiting in the shop for art lovers to take home. The palette ranges from originals by regional artists to original paintings by already internationally renowned or young up-and-coming artists. And what father and son, who jointly run the shop, do not have on site, they are of course happy to organise. Organising is a good keyword here, because Helmut and Matthias Steuer also regularly organise exhibitions that are honoured with corresponding vernissages. Most recently, for example, there were exciting shows of work by the well-known Austrian artist Michael Ferner or the German-French artist Ewen Gur. An exhibition is already planned for this autumn (2023). Then the Austrian Klaus Brandner will come along. Probably the biggest exhibition coup was achieved with an impressive show of works by the legendary Markus Lüppertz, who of course did not miss the opportunity to come in person. But not only great art has its place in the art shop. Those looking for unusual gift ideas will also find what they are looking for. On top of that, there is also a fine selection of Worms souvenirs, such as a “Worms cup” designed by the artist Gerh



For a long time, the vacant business premises in Hafergasse were just another building block in the constant transformation of the city centre. Since June 2023, the rooms have served as a meeting place for local artists and anyone who is interested. The place is made possible by the funding programme “Zukunftsfähige Innenstadt”. It is important to those responsible that they do not see themselves as competitors to the Steuer art shop. Rather, they want to give the regional art scene a place where they can present themselves to a large public. A small side effect is that the local artists can of course also sell their works of art. Another side effect is that another vacancy has disappeared, at least temporarily. A problem that plagues many cities. So it is also a question of making the pedestrian zone, in this case Hafergasse, more attractive for potential other tenants and, of course, for the eye of the inner city flaneur. In all these considerations, the focus is nevertheless on the artists, who impress with their versatile creative power on two floors. Four artists who live in and around Worms made the start: Barbara Schauß (painting), Dan Novak (experimental photography), Ulrich Koglin (sculptures) and Sophie Kralenetz (painting). The latter is also responsible for the future selection of artists as curator together with Kulturkoordination. D

Kunstverein Worms 

If you are strolling through the little town of the Nibelungs and tell an acquaintance that you are on your way to the Kunstverein, it can still happen after 20 years that the answer is: “Ah yes, the one in the Prinz Carl Anlage”. But this way leads to the Kunsthaus, of course, and not to the Kunstverein. So be careful! While the Kunsthaus is a forum for artists from Worms who have studios there, the Kunstverein, according to its statutes, sees itself as a non-profit association that cultivates and promotes contemporary art with idealistic aspirations and voluntary commitment. Promoting visual artists and awakening interest in art has been the central goal of the association since 2001. And over the past 20 years, the association has impressively demonstrated how it does this. In figures, this means that in these two decades the association has been able to present around 100 exhibitions with more than 200 artists. Every year, the association invites visitors to four to five exhibitions, which are of course opened with mostly well-attended vernissages. In the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, the association has long since established itself as an important exhibition space for modern art. Since 2008, the Kunstverein has been located in the premises of a former kitchen studio in Renzstraße.

Link: https://kunstverein-worms.de/

Kunsthaus Prinz Carl-Anlage

The Kunsthaus Worms offers around 39 studios as well as separate gallery spaces on 2,500 m² of space spread over four floors. Visitors can take a look around on “open workshop” days or attend exhibitions, workshops & courses. The portfolio is as colourful as life and ranges from classical paintings to modern photography to weaving art and more. One of the most prominent studios is the art workshop of the Worms Lebenshilfe, the Atelier Blau, which is run by the renowned artist Horst Rettig. The idea is inclusion between disabled and non-disabled artists. This fruitful exchange, which is unparalleled in Europe, takes place in the protected environment of the Worms Kunsthaus. The studio can be visited by appointment and, of course, the exciting artworks can be purchased. The works include not only large-scale paintings, but also sculptures or everyday objects such as cups or plates designed by the studio’s artists. . A visit that is definitely worthwhile. There is no separate homepage for the Kunsthaus. Each studio tenant is responsible for his or her own work. Once a year, the Kunsthaus invites visitors to an open day, during which it is also possible to purchase works by the artists working there.

Adresse: Prinz-Carl-Anlage 19, 67547 Worms
Homepageadresse Atelier Blau: https://www.atelierblau.com/

Galerie Schauraum

On the homepage of the city of Worms, this gallery is advertised as an art venue for the independent art scene. In fact, the gallery, located on the premises of Fabrik e.V., could be seen as an alternative counter-design to the somewhat more conservative Kunstverein. Housed in a former factory hall, the showroom exudes a certain archaic aura, which at the same time underlines the alternative claim. Michael Mahla, who curates the exhibitions, himself likes to describe the Schauraum as a place where you can exhibit even without a diploma. Here, the talent is in the foreground and not the title! Quite a few successful artists started their careers with an exhibition in this small but fine “Forum for Art and Culture”, which has enriched Worms’ cultural landscape since 1993. In the meantime, these include renowned artists such as Buja alias René Burjack with his impressive street art. Buja’s work also adorns the entrance area of the Worms Kunstverein. There, a large-scale mural shows how you can experience art in a completely different way with the help of a smartphone. Simply photograph the mural and you will be surprised…

Quite a few of the artists who have exhibited in the showroom over the years also lived on the premises for a while, and there is more to discover here. In addition to the showroom, there are also occasional studios and, above all, flats. The factory was founded in 1979 as an alternative housing project.

Adresse: Zornstraße 11a, 67549 Worms
Web: https://galerie-schauraum.de/
Öffnungszeiten während der Ausstellungen: Sa und So: 19 Uhr bis 21 Uhr

Museum Heylshof

The Museum Heylshof – one of the leading art museums in Rhineland-Palatinate – houses the largest private art collection of the late 19th century preserved in its original state at its place of origin in Germany. The exquisite collection is complemented by the finest Frankenthal porcelain, glass, ceramics, stained glass and small sculptures as well as changing exhibitions of contemporary art.

Adresse: Stephansgasse 9, 67549 Worms
Telefon: 06241 22000
Link: https://www.heylshof.de/

Das Wormser Kulturzentrum (Ausstellungsfläche)

„Das Wormser” is the name of the municipal cultural and conference centre. What initially sounds like a grammatical stunt with the article “Das” is merely meant to indicate the diversity of this house, i.e. “Das Wormser Kulturzentrum, Tagungszentrum etc.”. In addition, the centre sees itself as a house for everyone and for everything. This means that not only conferences, concerts and theatre take place here, but that there is also space for art. What is important is the encounter with and mediation of art. Art from and about Worms is shown under the title “Art in the WORMSER”. Throughout the year, local and regional artists and organisers exhibit their work in the upper foyer of the new building. This means that 12 exhibitions a year take place here on a monthly basis, which are of course celebrated with corresponding vernissages. Admission to the exhibitions is free.

Adresse: Rathenaustraße 11, 67549 Worms
Telefon: 06241 2000450
Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Freitag 10 Uhr bis 18 Uhr
Homepage: https://www.das-wormser.de/das-wormser/index.php